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Reviewed By Joshua Adamson
on April 15, 2016

Plymouth Rock Insurance is what we call a “regional” auto insurance company. This means that rather than providing coverage in all (or most) states, it sells car insurance in a smaller geographical location, or region. In this case, the company sells in just four states: Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and New Jersey.We’ve done the research on Plymouth Rock: benefits, drawbacks, rates, discounts, and more.  So if you’re in one of these northeastern states and looking for auto insurance, this review is for you.

Looking for something specific?

What are the pros and cons of Plymouth Rock car insurance?

What’s good

  1. Excellent overall insurance coverage. If you’re in CT, MA, NH, or NJ, you’re in luck! Plymouth Rock car insurance is a great choice. In fact, we rated the company as the overall best auto insurance company in New Jersey. What makes them the best? It’s a combination of rankings in popularity (market share), customer satisfaction, and premium cost that brought them to the top in The Garden State.
  2. Competitive rates. When we studied auto insurance rates by state, Plymouth Rock Insurance ranked as the second-cheapest in New Jersey. We also found that it is one of the cheapest options for unmarried drivers. The company ranked well in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, too (we don’t have data for the company in Connecticut).
  3. Innovative benefits and services. Plymouth Rock has been an innovator in the auto insurance arena. It features several customer “perks” like the Get Home Safe® cab/ride share program and Door to Door Valet Claim Service®. In 2010, it was honored by the Insurance Networking News INNovators Awards for its customer service mobile app. The app lets customers find agencies, pay premiums, file claims, and email vehicle damage photos.

What’s not so good

  1. Not a national presence. If don’t live in one of its four serviced states, Plymouth Rock doesn’t sell auto insurance in your area. Although the differences between regional and national carriers may not always be noticeable, the national carriers do have advantages. One example is that large national carriers have massive pools of customers, which means tons of data to use for rating and fine-tuning insurance products. They also have more resources like technology and employees.
  2. Mixed customer reviews. Although generally not terrible, customer reviews for Plymouth Rock aren’t outstanding, either. But it has received accolades for its fast claims service and flexible plan options. It’s possible, however, that a small national footprint contributes to skewed-negative customer ratings.

Where you can get Plymouth Rock insurance?

Like we said before, it’s only available in CT, MA, NH*, and NJ. Click on your state in the map below to compare rates where you live.

*Mt. Washington Assurance Company underwrites for Plymouth Rock in NH.

Where it sells the most auto insurance policies?

Plymouth Rock Insurance only sells in four northeastern U.S. states, and in those states it certainly isn’t one of the bigger games in town. Its market share, which means the percentage of car insurance business it writes (sells) in a state, is small compared to big fish like Allstate or Progressive. In two states—CT and NH—it doesn’t break the top 10 in market share. For the other two, it breaks down like this:

  • Massachusetts – It is the fifth-largest car insurance company in The Bay State, with a 6.7% market share from $297,880 in written policies.
  • New Jersey – In The Garden State, it is number six, with a 7.8% market share from $544,497 in written policies.

How to get Plymouth Rock auto insurance quotes

We do the nitty gritty research so you don’t have to. The car insurance quote table below includes rates from several different companies that sell in Plymouth Rock’s service area. We broke the information down into specific driver “profiles” to give you an idea of how much someone like you would pay. Keep in mind that quotes for Plymouth Rock Insurance are the average from just the four states where it sells auto insurance, whereas these other companies include many more states due to their larger national footprints.

We found that it is the cheapest for single drivers, both male and female, when measured against three big players in its region. On average, it is about $500 cheaper than Geico for women, and $500 cheaper than Farmers for men. For middle-aged drivers, it also becomes one of the more expensive options, but the rates decrease again for people over age 65.

Single Female, Age 19Single Male, Age 23Single Male or Female, Age 30Married Male or Female, Over 65
Plymouth Rock$1,279.33$890.11$1,204.95$872.78

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What are the average yearly rates by driver profile?

Now let’s dive deeper into Plymouth Rock Insurance’s annual car insurance premiums. You can see by the chart below that quoted rates differ depending on your unique driver profile. Note that this data only looks at how marital status or age affect rates—it does not take into consideration drivers’ sex or how marital status and age affect each other. In addition, married driver rates represent two-car policies.

This analysis tells us again that it is the cheapest for single drivers. It’s the most expensive for married drivers (with two cars) and drivers in their 30s.

Average Quote
Married Drivers$2,458.22
Single Drivers$867.46
Drivers Under 25$1,084.72
Drivers in their 30's$2,433.43
Drivers 55 and Over$1,084.59

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What auto insurance discounts for Plymouth Rock are available?

Plymouth Rock has a wealth of discounts available for its customers. Insuring multiple cars, combining auto insurance coverage with other insurance products, and being part of certain “affinity groups” are a few ways to save on auto insurance with this company. Discount offers vary by state, so make sure to ask your insurance agent which are available in your area.

  • Advanced Quote Discount – Save money on your rates if you get a quote more than seven days before the effective date and have no lapse in coverage.
  • Affinity Group Discount – Are you a nurse? Go to a community college? A member of AARP? Being part of one of it’s “affinity groups” could get you a discount.
  • Companion Policy Discount – You get a discount if you insure your car with Plymouth Rock and your home with Bunker Hill Insurance.
  • Defensive Driver Discount – Even if you haven’t been in an accident, you could save money  for taking a defensive driving course. Safety pays off!
  • Distant Student Discount – Insuring college-aged children can sometimes mean higher rates. But if your kid is away from home without access to a vehicle, Plymouth Rock may give you a discount. (For more information, read our “To Insure or Not to Insure: What to Ask When Your Kids Go to College“).
  • Homeowner Discount – If you own a home (including a condo)—congratulations! You could be eligible to get a discount.
  • Mature Driver Discount – Plymouth Rock respects our elders. It gives discounts to drivers over age 60 who take an accident prevention course.
  • Multi-Car Discount – Like most insurers, it will give you a discount if you insure multiple vehicles on the same policy.
  • Paid-in-Full Discount – Can you pay your total premium in one or two lump sums? This can get you a discount, too.
  • Safe Driver Driver Discount – Stay accident free and you’ll receive a discount (for drivers over age 18).
  • One Year Rate Lock – No one likes surprises when it comes to paying a bill. Plymouth Rock will guarantee your auto insurance rate for one year.

What are Plymouth Rock insurance reviews?

How do you know what to expect with your car insurance company? One good measure is to look at ratings from respected organizations like J.D. Power & Associates and A.M. Best Company. J.D. Power surveys actual customers to find out how car insurance companies compare on factors like price, policy offerings, and overall satisfaction. A.M. Best Company rates insurance companies on their “financial strength.” High ratings mean that A.M. Best considers the company stable enough to pay all of its claims—definitely something to look for.

J.D. Power – Auto insurance customer satisfaction study (2015)

Customer Satisfaction – New England (CT, MA, NH)








Customer Satisfaction – Mid-Atlantic (NJ)








Financial strength by state

  • Massachusetts and New Hampshire – “A-/Excellent” by A.M. Best Company
  • New Hampshire – “A-/Excellent” by A.M. Best Company
  • New Jersey – “B+/Good” by A.M. Best Company

What are the most popular features?

Plymouth Rock Insurance has lots of ways to customize your car insurance policy to your needs. Plus, they offer several discounts that can help you save on your rates. Here are the features that stood out to us when we did our research:

  • Innovative Perks. It gives its customers more than just auto insurance. Packaged with its policies are several “policyholder perks” that customers get immediately or after staying loyal for several years.
  • Crashbusters® Mobile Claim Service – Assessing the damage to your vehicle after an accident can be stressful. With the Crashbusters mobile claim service, it sends directly to you a “mobile insurance claim representative” who will do the damage appraisal on the spot.
  • Door to Door Valet Claims Service® – If you’d rather not handle the repair process of a damaged vehicle yourself, this program is for you. Plymouth Rock will “valet” your car to and from the repair shop and coordinate a rental car if you have rental coverage.
  • Get Home Safe® – Maybe you’ve enjoyed your evening just a little too much to drive yourself home. This program reimburses you for a cab or ride share fare that got you home safely.

Lots of discounts. Like we mentioned, it offers many discounts to its customers. We think that there’s no need to pay full price for anything—including car insurance!

Our recommendation

If you live in New Jersey, we think Plymouth Rock Insurance is the overall best for auto insurance, especially if you’re single. It’s not a bad choice in Connecticut, Massachusetts, or New Hampshire, either. The company’s flexible coverage options, many discounts, and innovative customer perks make it a good choice for the average driver. However, if you are sensitive to price, look carefully at how it rates stack up in comparison to its competitors. For married and middle-aged drivers, you can find cheaper rates from several other insurance companies. 

We’ve done the research to give you an idea of the basic features, average rates, and other details, but the choice is up to you. Consider your unique needs and profile, and make sure you get several quotes before deciding to purchase.

It’s history

Plymouth Rock Insurance is part of the regional northeastern U.S. insurance group, Plymouth Rock Group of Companies. Combined, the companies write more than $1 billion in annual auto and home insurance policies.

The Plymouth Rock Assurance “Pledge of Assurance“:

We pledge to treat you with courtesy, understand that your time is valuable, and recognize that the issues you are facing may be difficult. Whatever the reason for your call, we will be as helpful as possible.

What about other companies?

Still looking? We reviewed many more popular car insurance companies to help you decide.

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